Why We Need Multidisciplinary Journals? – Opinion from Members of VYZOV Prize Scientific Committee and Winner of Award

16 августа 2024 18:58

Even people who are not directly involved in science have heard of Nature and Science journals. Why are such multidisciplinary journals popular, how can you get published in them, and how can just one article jumpstart a scientific career? These issues were discussed by the guests of N + 1 podcast held with the support of the VYZOV National Prize in Future Technologies within the framework of "This Is For The Future" project.

Guests of the podcast:

– Artem Oganov, Chairman of the Prize Scientific Committee, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences;

– Aleskey Fedorov, Deputy Chairman of the Prize Scientific Committee, Head of Quantum Information Technologies research team at the Russian Quantum Center;

– Andrei Konyaev, mathematician, N + 1 publisher, member the Prize Scientific Committee;

– Ilya Semerikov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, head of the Scalable Ion Quantum Computing research team at the Russian Quantum Center, researcher at the Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2023 VYZOV Prize winner.

Watch the podcast:  


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